Business Membership
- Invitation to seven membership meetings per calendar year
- Invitation to annual holiday party
- Stay in the know with the Vista member e-newsletter
- Support from Clean & Safe team
- Enhanced website listing
- Enhanced annual Vista Guide listing
- Inclusion in external e-newsletter
- Additional add-on marketing opportunities
- Invitation to seven membership meetings per calendar year
- Invitation to annual holiday party
- Inclusion in Vista member e-newsletter
- Vista Guild representation and support at grand openings and special events.
In addition to these benefits, you can add-on these great exposure opportunities.
Membership Add Ons
Discounted Vista Guild Advertising
Ad Specs and Prices
- $500 ½ page ad (regular price $600)
- $750 full page ad (regular price $1,000)
Event Sponsorships
Artista Vista
- $1000 Sponsor
- $500 Sponsor